

    重庆自学考试网> 试题题库列表页> The author suggests that, because there are no hiding places in the oceans, whales and dolphins


    卷面总分:100分     试卷年份:2023.04    是否有答案:    作答时间: 120分钟   

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    The author suggests that, because there are no hiding places in the oceans, whales and dolphins

    • A、 sleep only when they are very young

    • B、 cannot afford to sleep very much

    • C、usually dream while awake

    • D、take turns to sleep

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    Henry Manley's company was making enough profits to raise the workers'wages.

    • A、True

    • B、False

    • C、Not Given


    How to Deal With Pressure?

    With the current mood of global    41    (certain) and an ___42____ (economy) recession, people re likely to suffer from increased stress, depression and anxiety. These___43____(psychology) symptoms(症状), in a new twist to the old saying of“mind over matter”, can lead to actual physical problems.

    The mind and the body are ___44____ (integrate) system. It's like a web. If one part is    45    (disturb) , it will directly or indirectly, affect another part. Hence, psychological and emotional reactions will trigger physical responses.

    When a person feels a threat to his well-being, the brain reacts by    46    (release) chemicals. or example, the adrenal gland (肾上腺) in the brain may release adrenaline (肾上腺素) which prepares the body to respond to physical threats. The brain's neuro-chemistry(神经化学) programs a person to react in one of the classic ways:fight, flight or fright.

    Are you sleeping well?Are you eating well?Are you working or studying well?Any mental health problem would affect these three areas of behavior. Some people deal with stress and    47   (anxious) by turning to    48    (religious) , others by talking to friends and family. But are there other options?Exercise is a good outlet. Play a game. Go jogging. You will be ___49___ (concentrate) on doing something. There is a target to be___50____ (achieve) and will occupy your mind. Go Karaoke singing and dancing with friends. The worst thing to do is to sit at home and think

    Compared with dreamless sleep, deep dream sleep is

    • A、not the result of natural selection

    • B、less likely to appear to monkeys

    • C、more protective to the animals

    • D、at a higher stage of evolution






